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Plant Insurance

If you are involved within the construction or trade industry, you will undoubtedly spend a lot of time using tools, machinery and/or plant, whether that be your own or hired in… in fact, you probably couldn’t do the job properly without the sort of equipment you use! Pretty important stuff!

These items can be quite expensive pieces of equipment and if they were to be stolen or damaged it would quite likely holt the contract you’re working on and put a dint in your pocket to repair/replace the item.

The solution – Plant Insurance!

Plant insurance would cover the cost of replacing or repairing a piece of plant, machinery or tool if the unfortunate was to happen.


As an independent insurance broker, we have a wide range of UK insurers who can provide a Plant Policy. Having obtained the information required, our highly trained and professional brokers will search the markets available to obtain the most comprehensive quotation that suits you and your business.